Wednesday, December 1, 2021

Helium Stick


  • Communication
  • Team Bonding
Group Size: 4pax and above

Target age group: 6 and above

Venue: Empty Space

Logistic : Stick ( or any long/round object that is light)

  • Game Host
  • Participant

How to play:

  1. All participant will form up in rows of two and each pair will face each other at random
  2. Game Host have the stick put between each pair, where all participant will held out their finger to be in contact with the stick. The starting position of the stick can be at the shortest participant's waist area or from the ground
  3. All participant will need to lift the stick to be at least at the height of the tallest participant's eye level

Rules of Games:
1. All fingers can only support from below the stick
2. All finger should be in contact with the stick

Things to do to make it more challenging:
  1. The end point will be above the tallest participant's head
  2. once it the stick at the "highest" point, start descend the stick back to the ground 

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
20min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


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