Monday, November 29, 2021

Half & Half


  • Team Bonding
  • Leadership
  • Communication 
Group Size: 5pax and above

Target age group: 6 and above

Venue: Empty Space

Logistic: 1x Ground sheet (Any sheet that is relativity tear resistance

  • Game Host
  • Participant

How to play:

  1. All participant to stand on the ground sheet and hold for 10 second
  2. Once participant hold for 10 second, step away from the ground sheet 
  3. Fold the ground sheet into half 
  4. Have all the participant to stand on the ground sheet and hold for 10 second
  5. Repeat step 2 - 4 till the ground sheet is about 1/8 the original size

Rules of Games:
1. All participant shouldn't have they limbs touch the ground to support themself 

Things to do to make it more challenging:
1. keep reducing the size of the ground sheet.

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
5min : Time for the participant to do their planning
15min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


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