Sunday, November 28, 2021

Turing over a new leaf


  • Team bonding 
  • Leadership

Group Size: 5 pax and above (depending on the size of the ground sheet

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: a space big enough to lay the ground sheet flat

Logistic : 1x Ground Sheet (or any sheet that is relativity tear resistance)

  • Game Host 
  • Participant  

How to play:

  1. All participant to stand on the ground sheet 
  2. With all the participant standing on the ground sheet, they are required to turn the ground sheet over

Rules of Games:
1. All participant should be standing within the ground sheet throughout the activity 

Things to do to make it more challenging:
1. Able to set the timing for the task to be done
2. Able to have smaller size ground sheet 

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
5min : Time for the participant to do their planning
15min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

Expected outcome:
Game Host can observe the participant from the team that initiated the discussion and lead to the action plan (if any). Also for the participant that are not really involved in the discussion, how are they when they are trying out the task. As it is possible to observe the following situation:
(1) Participant are doing they best to assist/following what is instructed to them
(2) Participant express their concern.
(3) Participant do not join in the activity 

For case(1) and (2) it shows the level of effect they are trying to put to contribute to this team. While case (3) are not willing to do it. It will be good to have the rest of the team to continue while game host to speak and understand why they participant do not want to join in. (Normally this happen to age group below 16.)

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


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