Saturday, November 27, 2021

Who? What? Huh?


  • N.A...It is a filler game to play when waiting for the main event to happen or waiting for the set up to be done.

Group Size: 5 pax and above

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: a space to be seated and form a circle

  • Game Host to explain the rules and able to join in the game
  • Participant  

How to play:

  1. All participant to form a circle
  2. Before starting of the game as a group can decided a forfeit or a task to do (this is optional)
  3. Start from the Game Host to start the round with the rules stated below
  4. when there is a fault/mistake from a participant the round will end (if there is forfeit,  everyone will note how many time each person make the mistake and forfeit will be done by the person with the most mistake)
  5. The round will continue with step 3 with the person with mistake rather then the game host.

Rules of Games:
1. The starting participant starts at one direction (left or right of the participant) by saying the word Who, What or Huh.
2. The participant who is being directed to will continue the same direction by using the same word  and reverse the direction by the other 2 word option.
3. A fault/Mistake mean:
  •  The response/reaction of the receiving participant is slow (can be determine by the game host/ group). 
  • The participant reply the continue the same direction with not the same word use i.e if the received "Who" the participant will continue the same direction with "who" and not any other word. 
  • Any other word is use other then who, what or huh.

Game Duration about 20~30min:

Conduct 1 to 2 trial run of the game to get participant familiar to it while explaining before going on.

Expected outcome:
This game is to keep the group engage while waiting for the preparation of the main event/ next item to be ready. Rather then leaving your participant there doing nothing.

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 

Also do let me know if you like to know more filler game 


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