Tuesday, November 30, 2021

In demand~


  • Communication
  • Team Bonding
Group Size: 5pax and above

Target age group: 6 and above

Venue: Empty Space

  • Game Host
  • Participant

How to play:

  1. Game Host will indicate the number of body parts required to be on the ground.
  2. Participant will required to have the parts and number required touch the ground. within the time limit (30sec~60sec) and hold in the position for 10sec.
  3. Once done back to step 1 again.

Things to do to make it more challenging:
  1. Can demand for all hand and 1 pair of leg.

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
20min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


Monday, November 29, 2021

Half & Half


  • Team Bonding
  • Leadership
  • Communication 
Group Size: 5pax and above

Target age group: 6 and above

Venue: Empty Space

Logistic: 1x Ground sheet (Any sheet that is relativity tear resistance

  • Game Host
  • Participant

How to play:

  1. All participant to stand on the ground sheet and hold for 10 second
  2. Once participant hold for 10 second, step away from the ground sheet 
  3. Fold the ground sheet into half 
  4. Have all the participant to stand on the ground sheet and hold for 10 second
  5. Repeat step 2 - 4 till the ground sheet is about 1/8 the original size

Rules of Games:
1. All participant shouldn't have they limbs touch the ground to support themself 

Things to do to make it more challenging:
1. keep reducing the size of the ground sheet.

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
5min : Time for the participant to do their planning
15min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


Sunday, November 28, 2021

Turing over a new leaf


  • Team bonding 
  • Leadership

Group Size: 5 pax and above (depending on the size of the ground sheet

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: a space big enough to lay the ground sheet flat

Logistic : 1x Ground Sheet (or any sheet that is relativity tear resistance)

  • Game Host 
  • Participant  

How to play:

  1. All participant to stand on the ground sheet 
  2. With all the participant standing on the ground sheet, they are required to turn the ground sheet over

Rules of Games:
1. All participant should be standing within the ground sheet throughout the activity 

Things to do to make it more challenging:
1. Able to set the timing for the task to be done
2. Able to have smaller size ground sheet 

Game Duration about 30min:

5min : explain the game and rules to the participant
5min : Time for the participant to do their planning
15min : Activity time
5min :  Debriefing *optional  

Expected outcome:
Game Host can observe the participant from the team that initiated the discussion and lead to the action plan (if any). Also for the participant that are not really involved in the discussion, how are they when they are trying out the task. As it is possible to observe the following situation:
(1) Participant are doing they best to assist/following what is instructed to them
(2) Participant express their concern.
(3) Participant do not join in the activity 

For case(1) and (2) it shows the level of effect they are trying to put to contribute to this team. While case (3) are not willing to do it. It will be good to have the rest of the team to continue while game host to speak and understand why they participant do not want to join in. (Normally this happen to age group below 16.)

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 


Saturday, November 27, 2021

Who? What? Huh?


  • N.A...It is a filler game to play when waiting for the main event to happen or waiting for the set up to be done.

Group Size: 5 pax and above

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: a space to be seated and form a circle

  • Game Host to explain the rules and able to join in the game
  • Participant  

How to play:

  1. All participant to form a circle
  2. Before starting of the game as a group can decided a forfeit or a task to do (this is optional)
  3. Start from the Game Host to start the round with the rules stated below
  4. when there is a fault/mistake from a participant the round will end (if there is forfeit,  everyone will note how many time each person make the mistake and forfeit will be done by the person with the most mistake)
  5. The round will continue with step 3 with the person with mistake rather then the game host.

Rules of Games:
1. The starting participant starts at one direction (left or right of the participant) by saying the word Who, What or Huh.
2. The participant who is being directed to will continue the same direction by using the same word  and reverse the direction by the other 2 word option.
3. A fault/Mistake mean:
  •  The response/reaction of the receiving participant is slow (can be determine by the game host/ group). 
  • The participant reply the continue the same direction with not the same word use i.e if the received "Who" the participant will continue the same direction with "who" and not any other word. 
  • Any other word is use other then who, what or huh.

Game Duration about 20~30min:

Conduct 1 to 2 trial run of the game to get participant familiar to it while explaining before going on.

Expected outcome:
This game is to keep the group engage while waiting for the preparation of the main event/ next item to be ready. Rather then leaving your participant there doing nothing.

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 

Also do let me know if you like to know more filler game 


Friday, November 26, 2021



  • How each participant can affect one an other

Group Size: 7pax and above

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: Dedicate a play area ( enough for participant to move around )

  • Game Host
  • Participant 

How to play:

  1. All participant to come into the play area
  2. Allow Each participant to pick 2 person within the play group excluding the Game Host
  3. Once all participant had selected the 2 person, have the participant form an equilateral triangle (Triangle with 3 same side).
  4. One all participant stop moving, ask them to remain in their position and do not move.
  5. Game host will need to be able to Identified the triangles and shift some participant.
  6. After the participant is being shifted ask those participant that are shifted not to move and have the rest of the participant to move and with the same 2 person to form the equilateral triangle again.(you may want to repeat step 4 to 6 a few time with time challenge or change the person the participant picked)
  7. Once all movement have stop. Game Host may start a debrief on the spot with all the participant or gather and do an debriefing
*During the game play from start 3 to 6 there should be no communication.

Game Duration about 20min:

(5min) Start by having the participant gather and ask them the following question:
  • If they know how they can effect each other
  • Do they know what an equilateral triangle

(15~20min) conducting of the game 

(5min) Debriefing pointer:
  • Know how frustrating it will be when you have form the equilateral triangle yet one of the point started to move again.
  • Knowing that you can only control yourself and unable to affect speak to other, you got to keep moving around to get to the objective.
  • Notice how after a while all movement will stop moving. That where everyone found a equilibrium.
  • Know how it is that by having someone moved the rest of the people will need to move to find that equilibrium. 
    • It shows that by how you (participant) work it will affect people around us hence do not feel/think that you will not make a different. 

Expected outcome:
Have the participant aware in this game how each person movement can affect everyone and in relate this to their life (school/Personal/work). 

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 

Also if there any game that you might like to have on character building.


Thursday, November 25, 2021

If you


  • Know what participant have in common with each other
  • Understanding
  • Integrity* 
* refer to Expected outcome section for details

Group Size: 5pax and above

Target age group: Age 6 and above

Venue: a location where participant can be seated with clear view of each other

  • Game Host
  • Participant 

How to play:

  1. All participant will have their eyes closed.
  2. Game Host will ask a question starting with "If you (something)*"
  3. Participant that fulfill the condition will raise their hand/stand.
  4. Only those participant that have stand may stand up.
    • At this point Game host may like to ask the participant that have stand if they like to share. If none is willing to share move to next step.
  5. Have participant that are standing to sit and closed their eyes. (end of 1 round, move back to step 2 for round 2) 
* (something) i.e. (1)If you have a pet fish/dog/cat/computer/Certain game console/game, (2)If you enjoy playing sport/badminton/basketball/floorball, (3)if you enjoy/dislike Math/English/Science, (4) if you live within [location], (5) if you have traveled to [Location], 

For (1),(2) and (3) is more for youth that are still studying and starting of a new school term/event that require the youth to be working together.

For(4),(5) more for young adult/ working adult to know more about each other. Question can change to more relevant 

** there will have participant that close their eyes through out the round. Hence It will be good for game host to know a bit about the participant prior this game else have a more general question that will have all to open and close their eyes i.e round 1 if you have wear glasses before stand, round 2 if you have perfect eye sight stand. 

Propose for this game to last 30min onwards:

5 min - to introduce the game + explaining the game rules + any question from the participant
20~30min - Game Play (Game Host can see the situation of the participant before ending the game)
5min -  debriefing of the game play.(Optional but best to conduct for youth)

Expected outcome:
What we will like to have for this game is participant know something they have in common, and during the sharing session if they are willing to share.

Objective of Integrity is for character building of younger youth (6~18). At the start of the game explain to them what is integrity. Though out this game participant should be having their eyes closed unless they are suppose to open. Hence explaining to them that integrity is doing the right thing when no body if looking at you. We will see kids that might peeked at certain question that might attract their attention (certain game that he/she might not have). At this point do not fault/point out their name, just look at him/her. At the end of the session re-enforce the character of integrity and ask the group what do they think and share (do pick that student and hear what he/she mention). 

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 



Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Grouping Game

  • Importance of Communication 
  • Understand each other by knowing each other more
Group Size: 10pax and above

Target age group: 6 and above

Requirement: An empty space where all participant can stand and move around comfortability

  • Game Host  (min 1)
  • Participant 

How to play:

1. With participant in the space standing. Game host will say "Form group of/by (something)*" with the condition of not speaking any languages.

2. Participant have 30second will from group that fulfill the condition of the (something) and then squat/any way to indicate that they are done.

3. Once all participant are the in group, go around to confirm the (something) are correct and the following situation might happen. 
  • Group with the same (something) will combine together 
  • participant in the incorrect group will shift over to correct group.
4. Give the participant to share something about themselves in that group before going back to step 1.

* (something) i.e. (1)Form group of 2/3/4/5, (2)Form group by Birthday Month, (3)Form group by your Fav color

(1) can use this as a warm up for participant hence don't really participant to introduce themself.
(2)&(3) refer to point 3 sub point.

Propose for this game to last 30min onwards:

5 min - to introduce the game + explaining the game rules + any question from the participant
20~30min - Game Play (Game Host can see the situation of the participant before ending the game)
5min -  debriefing of the game play.

If you have any question or unclear about this game go ahead and make your comment, I will love to answer them. 
